Standing up you will have a straight back, legs and feet to form a “V” shape (zip your left foot to the side to create a “V”shape) in preparation for putting instrument in the playing position.
A 501c(3) Non-Profit Music Education Organization
Standing up you will have a straight back, legs and feet to form a “V” shape (zip your left foot to the side to create a “V”shape) in preparation for putting instrument in the playing position.
A Bow is a dark wooden bow that is traditionally strung with horse hair, which is parallel to the wooden bow and used to vibrate the instruments strings.
Rosin, and important tool, is applied to the horsehair of the violin bow to create contact with the string(s) to produce sound notes.
Position of the violin with your left hand put the violin on your left collarbone, let the natural weight of your head gently sit on the chin rest, relax and you gently lift your right arm over the violin. Then take your right hand holding your wooden bow set on top of the violin strings. Take some long in and our breaths and play.
A violin produces sound by vibrating any of the combination of four strings; G, D, A, E.
A violin player must be able to bow, finger and pluck the strings in 1st, 2nd or 3rd positions.
Pete Walters, symphony americana